How much do we care?
>> Saturday, September 4, 2010
Yesterday I had 6 appointments with a total of 8 people. I love days when I get to be with people in an honest and focused way.
The discussion in the final appointment has stayed with me. A leader of our church and a good friend of mine after sharing news from our summers, asked several important and honest questions. The quetions focused upon how much do I and the leaders of Orchard really care about our mission. How much do we care and how intensely are we focused upon reaching people who are far from God, reaching young families, and making our Sunday mornings everything they can be for people's lives.
There are so many messages in our world that say...things should be easy! We shouldn't have to work that hard, we shouldn't have to sacrifice, we should just be average. That's good enough. Let's just get by.
The truth is that it takes focus, sacrifice and commitment to make good things happen. I'm going to be asking our staff, our leaders and myself how much we care about the mission. God has given our church a great mission. I'm usiing this Labor Day weekend to think this through for myself.
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