The Church Belongs to Jesus

>> Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One of Jesus Christ's most foundational teachings about the church is that the church belongs to Him. It is His. He purchased it with His blood on Good Friday and gave it hope with His resurrection on Easter Sunday. The church does not belong to the leaders, or pastors, or big donors, or charter members. The church belongs to Jesus. And the church is not a building, or an organization but a collection of followers of Christ.

Jesus said to Peter, "...on this rock I will build MY church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it ..." (Matthew 16:18)

So, the other night our Orchard Leadership Team met in the basement of Lincholn Center Christian Reformed Church in rural Grundy County and asked what Jesus wants for these two local congregations. Would there be a way for these congregations to partner for the glory of God? Should Lincoln Center become a ministry of Orchard focused upon those whom Jesus would have them to reach? There were no immediate answers in the basement that night. We will keep discerning the will of God on this. We will seek scriptural answers, missional answers, relational answers and in all of it, we will continue to follow Jesus as best we can.

I was so pleased that we together seemed to be asking the really important question: What would Jesus want for His church? How do we best use His church to accomplish His mission?

That's the same question we should ask about our 6th community each morning. Lord, what do you want me to do today, to build your kingdom in the part of the world where you have given me influence. I hope you're asking yourself that question!


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