God at work!

>> Monday, February 27, 2012

Every other Monday morning we have a 90 minute staff meeting. Each meeting begins with a prayer and then I lead out staff into sharing "pictures of God at work." This is how we begin each staff meeting. It is important for us to recognize that God is at work in so many different ways within our church body. Naming the ways He is at work helps us focus and brings glory to him. The stories have power. Here are some of this morning's stories...

Joan shared that yesterday was a record-setting attendance for our Children's Ministry--361 kids involved at the Cedar Falls campus 0-6th grade.

Jean shared that God is at work thru the Lenten Lunches which are in their 10th year and is now being duplicated in the Grundy Center Community Building.

Laura shared that that more churches are partnering with Love Cedar Valley than every before including both white and black churches.

Ben shared how God worked with both students and staff at our recent Ski and Shop even while 3 students needed a trip to the hospital.

Mike shared that God's presence was keenly felt at our Men's Retreat in Grundy over the weekend.

Leanne shared that our Student Ministry had great response to a Girls Retreat on Saturday where the girls could be taught clearly about becoming women of God.

Kris shared how so many visiting people are connecting with Face to Face on Sundays and finding help at the Welcome Centers.

God is good. God is at work. It is encouraging to hear of so many places where we see him at work.


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