Caravan Return Worship Service

>> Monday, July 30, 2012

The Sunday on which our Caravan Trip of high school students returns is always a highlight for our entire congregation.  Yesterday, at the 10:45 service, we heard stories, listened to voluntteers and staff and saw a video which included student testimonies.   A few less than 200 participants had just returned from our high adventure trip to New York City. 

Because I have participated in more than 30 Caravans this event really, really touches my heart.  I see the sacrifice of the staff people who give so much.  I see the appreciation of parents who desperately want their children to walk with Christ.  And I see the life-change that has taken place year after year in the lives of students.  I notice the commitment of volunteers who pay their own way and take their vacation time to be with the students.

I remember in the old days when we would return from the trip and people would ask, "How was the trip?"  The answer I wanted to give and sometimes did give was this, "We will need to wait 10 to 20 years to really see if God used the trip for permanent life-change."

Well, it's been 10 to 20 years and I'm pretty sure God has used this trip and the prayers and commitment of the Caravan staff.  The trip is led by people (Tim & Ben) whose lives were changed.  And many of the volunteers have had their lives strengthened and encouraged.

Here's some pictures of the crowd at the Caravan Return Service--


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