The HeART Project--Sometimes God just works!

>> Monday, November 22, 2010

Sometimes God just works and surprises us! That was my experience at the HeART Project on Saturday night at Orchard Hill Church. The whole thing was amazing and perplexing which I know from the book of Acts is how God works.

Acts 2:12--Amazed and perplexed, people asked one another, "What does this mean?"

Acts 2:37--they were cut to the heart

Acts: 2:47--they were praising God!

I had all of those things going on with me! I was amazed and perplexed, I was cut to the heart and I was praising God!

The pictures above tell a little of the story. It was Megan Pattee who heard the whisper from God's Spirit to do this thing for the children of Haiti and she is pictured (behind the sign) with her family and support team. The other picture of the Youth Art Team were young people who invested weeks to learn and grow in art and gave their work for the cause. It was beautiful and creative. It told a story from life. Those who mentored and partnered with the Youth Art Team had amazing stories and even the front page of the courier last Thursday got in on telling the story.

I walked in and had a great conversation with our partners JeanJean and Kristie who lead the church ministry in Haiti with which we partner. Then I took a look at the art. It struck me that these artists had given so much of themselves and now they were giving even more by offering their work for sale with all proceeds to benefit Haitian children. Striking!

Then, I noticed the crowd of people who were attending. It was a beautiful mix of people from all walks of life, all ages and many from the church and many not from a church. People partnered for a cause; aligned with a passion. People who were working and loving kids they've never met. All of this: the art, the crowd, the Haiti partners, the muscians in a church Atrium and lobby.

Sometimes, I just stop in the midst of a happening like that night and say a prayer of praise that God doesn't check with me before he moves in surprising and stong ways. He just moves.

Sometimes, I try to picture the spiritual reality of what is going on in heaven and I think I see the God of the universe smiling as someone does good in the name of Jesus! And then I think of His prayer...thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven....I think He still does miracles just like in Acts 2. And sometimes I get to see those miracles.


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